
At the end of the year2018, a multi-lingual talent show competition, including English, French, Japanese and German, was staged at the international division in a festive atmosphere. On the afternoon of 27th December, with the careful planning and preparation of the teachers and students, the foreign language talent show competition came as expected.


与其说这是一场才艺表演比赛,更不如说是学生们表现外语能力,展示个性魅力的秀场。从7年级到12年级,十个班级,十个节目,四种语言,为我们呈现出了一场高水平的外语视听盛宴。 从刚得到比赛通知的那一刻起,学生们就积极热烈地讨论起节目主题和表演形式。在一次又一次地反复讨论并确定节目内容之后,他们开始准备服装、道具和妆化,一遍遍地推敲剧本或歌词,与老师、同学一起琢磨准确的外语表达和发音,还利用课余时间不断排练和预演,一切只为了舞台上尽可能完美的表演。

It is not only a talent show, but also a stage for students to show their foreign language skills and their personalities. From Grade 7 to Grade 12, there’re ten classes, ten programs and four languages which have presented a high-level foreign language audio-visual feast.

From the moment they got the notice of the competition, the students began to discuss warmly about the topic and the form of their performance.

After repeated discussions, they determined the content and began to prepare costumes, props and makeup. With the help of teachers and classmates, they carefully considered the accurate expressions and pronunciations of the lines over and over again. Moreover, they made full use of spare time to rehearse in order to give a perfect performance on the stage.

首先来自国际课程中心10F班的文博杨同学,带来了一首日语改编歌曲 《歌に形はないけれど》,电子混音,动感十足。

First of all, Wen Boyang from Class 10F brought us an adapted Japanese song called "歌に形はないけれど", which is a very dynamic electronic mixing.


紧接着登场的9A班,精心编排了英语短剧 Cinderella”灰姑娘,男女生反串的表演形式,惊艳了台下众多的观众。

Then students of Class 9A, carefully arranged an English play "Cinderella". The cross-dressing performance form stunned the audience. 

日语课程班10F的同学们合唱了一首       日语歌 “ありがとう”,唱功了得,十分感人。

Class 10F students chorused a Japanese song "ありがとう", with very touching singing skills.


11F法语班,为观众献上了优美动听的法语歌曲“La maladie d'amour”。

11F students presented the beautiful French song "La maladie d'amour" to the audience together.


12F法语班,诗朗诵“Pont Mirabeau”米拉波桥,伴着优美的古筝配乐,带领观众领略塞纳河两岸的法式风情。

The poetry recitation "Pont Mirabeau" from 12F, accompanied by the beautiful guzheng music, led the audience to enjoy the French romance on both sides of the River Seine.



Next, the dressed up students of class 9B got on the stage. They performed a musical adapted from the cartoon movie "Frozen". It is novel and unique in design, with ice and snow effect. The two heroines were played by the boys. The strong performance and pure English lines won bursts of applause.

7A班的女生们边唱边舞“That's not my name”,青春活力,动感十足。熟练的台风和与观众的频频互动,让评委们印象深刻。

The girls in Class 7A sang "That's not my name" and danced at the same time. The judges were impressed by the skillful dance and frequent interaction with the audience.


一首英文歌曲“Wonderful You”,来自7B班的潘晔同学,一开嗓便惊艳四座,赢得满堂喝彩!

An English song "Wonderful You", was performed by Pan Ye from Class 7B. Her beautiful voice astonished the audience and won applause as soon as she opened her mouth.


8A班全体同学为观众带来了英语短剧“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”爱丽丝梦游仙境。精致的妆容、绚丽的服饰、以及热情洋溢的表演,掀起了整场节目的小高潮。

All the students in class 8A brought the English play "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" to the audience. Their delicate makeup, flowery costumes and enthusiastic performance lifted the small climax of the whole activity. 

8B派出了德语班五个英俊的小伙子。德语歌曲“Ich schenk' dir die Welt”《我把世界献给你》,动听的旋律,清楚的吐字,完美的配合,他们将这首浪漫的德语情歌精彩地演绎。

8B sent five handsome boys to sing the German song "Ich schenk' dir die Welt". The  beautiful melody, clear words and their perfect coordination wonderfully interpreted this romantic German love song .


11E澳洲班的学生带来了一段题为“What has food brought us”流利的英语演讲,表达流畅,台风老道,展现了十分高水平的英语演讲能力。

The students of Class 11E brought us a excellent speech entitled "What has food brought us".


阵容强大的评委团A strong panel of judges



Through this foreign language talent competition, the students from the international division got a valuable opportunity to practise what they’ve learnt. Their confident expressions on the stage as well as the mutual learning in the rehearsal process have brought great help to their foreign language learning abilities and motivation. The original intention and result of a performance competition is to harden their language skills in practice, to experience the fun of cooperation in the team, to cultivate the sense of beauty in appreciation and to share the joy of success!