Teaching Plan

Teaching Plan

School: Wuxi Foreign Language School, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province

Teacher: Hu Xin

Book: Fun with English (Oxford English 9A)

Time: November 11, 2009

Teaching Material: Integrated Skills, Unit 4 TV programmes

        In this unit, students learn to talk about different types of TV programmes and their TV viewing habits. The topic is meaningful, useful and practical to students. It can help students express their own opinions in their daily life. It helps to train students’ speaking ability and integrating skills.

        This lesson will be designed as a talk show. The teacher is the host and the students are audience. The class will carry on in the way of talking or asking and answering questions. And the students will be divided into 6 groups: Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Purple and Green. They will stick some colour paper to show their group. After a student answers one question correctly, the group which he belongs to will get one star. The group to get the most stars will be the winner.

Teaching Aims and Demands:

Knowledge Objects

In this unit, students learn to talk about different types of TV programmes and their TV viewing habits, and how to express their own opinions using the target language. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their TV viewing habit more skillfully and fluently.

Ability objects

Students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills can be trained and improved when they complete their tasks by using the target language.

Moral Object

After learning this lesson, students can know how to have a better way to achieve a balance between entertainment and study, how to enjoy their colourful life better and how to have good TV viewing habits.

Language focus and difficult points:

        1. To train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by designing activities to let students talk about different types of TV pogrammes and their TV viewing habits.

        2. To train students’ communicative competence.

        3. To teach students how to express their own opinions freely.

Teaching Aids:

        Multimedia, some jigsaw puzzles and a piece of material paper includeing a questionnaire of TV viewing habits, a reading comprehension, a profile of their favourite TV programs.

Teaching Procedure:

Stages/ Timing

Activities and methods


(3 minutes)


Introduce the talk show: Daily Talk in CCTV
( The class is just the talk show, and the students in six groups are the audience to take part in the show. The teacher is the hostess.)

Tell students to play a puzzle game in the class: Students can get all the puzzles by completing all the parts of the tasks successfully.

Introduce today’s topic and asking some questions about it.
(Some simple questions like: Do you like watching TV? When and how often do you watch TV? Do you know any types of TV programmes? …)

把课堂变成一个talk show来引发学生的兴趣,同时引出话题。








Presentation and Listening test
(10 minutes)

Imagine that the three students in the text are the welcome guests on the show. Let students introduce their information quickly according to the form in the book.
(Page 74)

Listen to the tape and let students fill in the blanks.
(Page 74)

Let students answer them in groups and encourage them to get stars and get puzzles.





通过得星的活动鼓励“观众”积极参与“嘉宾问答”中去,说出“嘉宾们”的看电视习惯。同时操练句型like…best; like… least; because…; he spends … on…

Presentation and Speak up
(8 minutes)

Ask students questions about their TV viewing habits.
(What’s your favourite/ least favourite TV programme? Why do you like/ dislike it?)

Learn a dialogue between Millie and Kitty. Let students read, ask and answer questions and retell it.
(Page 75.
What’s Millie’s favourite TV programme? Why? What about Kitty’s?)

Let students make up their own dialogues according to that one.

Let students show their dialogues in public.





学习speak up,看如何把知识运用于现实生活,应让学生注意其中的有用句型。






(8 minutes)

Let students talk about the questions on the questionnaire and finish a questionnaire about it.
(On the material paper)

Let students talk about their TV viewing habits freely.

Let students argue about the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV and finally let them make a conclusion.
(Conclusion: Watching TV is not a bad thing. Teenagers should have  colourful life and achieve a balance between study and play. But watching TV too much is harmful. Students should learn to control their time and have good TV viewing habits.)




Reading comprehension
(5 minutes)

Play the puzzle game and guess the result of the puzzle: It’s a photo of Seo Jang Geum, the hostess’s favourite TV star.

Let students read a material about Seo Jang Geum.

Let students answer the questions and at the same time let them know the elements of a drama series.


最后一个问题涉及到电视故事中的要素,让学生有这样一个概念,作为下一步骤的引入,也可以作为main task的预演。

(5 minutes)

Let students talk about their favourite TV story in their different groups.

Write the profile of the TV story.
(On the material paper)

Students talk about their stories and opinions while showing their profiles.




(1 minute)

Write an article about their favourite TV stories.

Ask their friends about their TV viewing habits.





    本课用一种新的方式展开课堂教学,贴合本单元“电视节目”这一背景,把课堂变化成一个“访谈节目”,老师是主持人,学生是现场观众,书上人物是嘉宾,以此来展开今日话题“TV viewing habits”。学生对于这种形式是比较喜爱和感兴趣的。另外配合这一主题,还制作了访谈节目的录像片头,一开场就抓住了学生的注意力和兴趣点。为了鼓励“观众”积极参与,还把“观众”分成了