
--from Sandra

    After the fantastic weekends,it's the busy Monday.Unfortunately, Boarding house activity is unavailable, so we have English class instead. Today we've got a new teacher for our English class. She is so serious and strict that we are all afraid of her. During the lessons in the morningthe teacher tests our English listening. She gives ainstruction,then we do the action according to her order.But the results are not so good,we need to improve our grammar and vocabulary. Afterwards, we learn the difference between a report and a recount .It's important to use correct grammar. 

    愉快的周末过后,又到了忙碌的周一。今天因为某些不可抗力,本来下午的Boarding house activity改成了待在教室上英语课。今天换了一个年老的英语老师,她很严肃和严格,我们在课上也不敢懈怠。上午的英语课,老师给我们测试了听力。她说一句话,我们根据她的话做出对应的动作。但情况不太理想,我们的听力和词汇量还有待提高。接着我们学习了report和recount。由此看来,语法也是很重要的。

    After recess, we go to the art building for an aboriginal art lesson. The teacher first play a video about the dot painting . Dot painting consists of simple symbols.Each symbol has serval different meanings. Dot painting has a long history,the symbols are similar to the Chinese Hieroglyphs. Dot painting is not as easy as it seems to be.First,I use the pencil to draw a draft. Then I use a wooden stick to draw dots along the line. My work isn't so good since it's my first attempt. But some other students do a good job and are praised by the teacher. Really great! By this lesson, we learn about Australian culture and artistic .I'm looking forward to other new things that we haven't tried in the future. 

    英语课之后是美术课,我们来到美术教室。今天我们要学习是土著绘画。首先老师给我们看了一段关于dot painting的视频。内容是dot painting是由很多简单的符号组成的,每个符号有不同的意思。Dot painting有很多年的历史所以使用的符号很古老,类似于中国的象形文字。这个画看起来容易,其实还是要很多技巧的。我先用铅笔打草稿,然后用木棒沾颜料,再沿着线点出许多点。因为不熟练,我点的点形状都千奇百怪,颜料分布的也不均匀。最多只能算是小学生的水平。还有一些同学就是大师级别的了,受到了美术老师的夸赞。真的很棒!通过这堂课,我们也了解了澳洲的文化和艺术,相信以后还有更多新的事物值得我们探究。

    In the afternoon, we continue to have our English lesson.We learn some knowledge about Australia national flag.For example, the significance of the Union Jack on the flag and the meaning of the seven-pointed star. Then she gives usa reading practice on Australia national flag. These questions are not difficult, but you have to be careful and have your  own opinions.We can't do better in oral than the local Australian ,so we are supposed to work harder to get a higher mark in the written examination.


    I am excited to eat chicken corn soup for dinner. I think it is my favorite dinner since I arrived in  Australia. 